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Edition: 1 June 2012




001   Qualification code

002   Previous year's qualification code

003   Qualification name

003   Qualification/Designator name

004   Approval status

005   Qualification type

006   Major field CESM (1999 to 2007)

006   Major field CESM (from 2008)

007   Student number

008   South African identity number

009   Qualification commencement date

010   Entrance category

011   Date of birth

012   Gender

013   Race

014   Nationality

015   Home postcode

016   Disability status

017   Socio‑economic status

018   Funding status

019   NSFAS status

020   Institutional housing

021   Previous year's activity

022   Secondary education completion

023   Matriculation aggregate

024   Attendance mode

025   Qualification requirements status

026   CESM category for first area of specialisation (1999 to 2007)

026   CESM category for first area of specialisation (from 2008)

027   CESM category for second area of specialisation (1999 to 2007)

027   CESM category for second area of specialisation (from 2008)

028   CESM category for third area of specialisation (1999 to 2007)

028   CESM category for third area of specialisation (from 2008)

029   CESM category for fourth area of specialisation (1999 to 2007)

029   CESM category for fourth area of specialisation (from 2008)

030   Course code

031   Course approval status

032   Course completion status

033   Course CESM (1999 to 2007)

033   Course CESM (from 2008)

034   Course level code

036   Course credit value

037   Staff number

038   Employment commencement year

039   Personnel category

040   Rank of staff member

041   Permanent/temporary employment status

042   Full‑time/part‑time status

043   Staff FTE value

044   Staff programme

045   Staff programme CESM (1999 to 2007)

045   Staff programme CESM (from 2008)

046   Qualification type (1999 to 2004)

046   Qualification type (from 2005 to 2011)

046   Qualification type (from 2012 to 2014)

046   Qualification type (from 2015)

047   Joint appointment

048   On payroll code

049   Citizen‑resident status (from 1999 to 2014)

049   Citizen‑resident status (from 2015)

050   Completed research course credit value

051   Examination‑only indicator

052   Home language

053   Minimum time ‑ total

054   Minimum time ‑ experiential

055   Home address line 1

056   Home address line 2

057   Home address line 3

058   Course name

059   Contact‑only availability

060   Distance‑only availability

061   Mixed mode availability

062   Experiential training indicator

063   Institution code (from 1999 to 2002)

063   Institution code (for 2003)

063   Institution code (for 2004)

063   Institution code (for 2005)

063   Institution code (from 2006 to 2007)

063   Institution code (from 2008 to 2013)

063   Institution code (for 2014)

063   Institution code (for 2015)

063   Institution code (from 2016)

064   Course repeat code

064   Attendance mode for a course

065   Filler1

066   Student last name

067   Student first name

068   Student middle name

069   Student postal address 1

070   Student postal address 2

071   Student postal address 3

072   Postal address postcode

073   % Research time for Masters qualifications

074   Centre number

075   Centre name

076   Examination number

077   Examination centre

078   Professional development

079   Full-time/Part-time student

080   Activity in current year

081   Institution programme name

082   Qualifier

083   Abbreviation

084   Legacy indicator

085   NQF exit level

086   Minimum total credits

087   Minimum credits at level

088   Maximum credits at level

089   Mode of delivery

090   Total subsidy units

091   Foundation course

092   NQF level

093   NQF credit

094   Post Doctoral/Research Fellow (2007 to 2011)

094   Post Doctoral/Research Fellow (from 2012)

095   Post Doctoral Research Fellow number

096   Name of doctoral qualification obtained

097   Date when doctoral qualification obtained

098   Research field CESM

099   Start date of contract

100   Institution where doctoral Qualification obtained

101   Funding source 1

102   Funding source 2

103   Funding source 3

104   Funding source 4

105   Post Doctoral Research Fellow

106   Foundation Student





201  Campus code

202  Campus name

203  Campus post code

204  Campus province code

205  Building code

206  Building name

207  Ownership code

208  Year of construction

209  Building Condition

210  Inventory value

211  Total assignable square metres

212  Total gross square metres

213  Standard cost units

214  Room number

215  Room proration key

216  Space use category

217 Square metres

218  Number of stations

219  PCS code

220  CESM code for 2007

221  Latitude degrees

222  Latitude minutes

223  Latitude seconds

224  Longitude degrees

225  Longitude minutes

226  Longitude seconds