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Edition: 1 June 2012




00101:     E001 (Qualification code) is blank

00102:     E001 (Qualification code) duplicated in another record

00103:     E001 (Qualification code) not found in Qualification Table

00104:     E001 (Qual code) + E030 (Course code) is duplicated in another record

00105:     E001 (Qual code) + E030  (Course code) not found in Cred. Value Table

00106:     E001 (Qual. code) + E006 (Maj. CESM) duplicated in another record

00107:    E001 (Qual. Code) credit values summed for foundation courses must not be less than 0.5 or greater than 1

00201:     E002 (Previous year's Qualification code) is blank

00202:     E002 (Previous year's qual code) differs from E001 (Qual. code)

00301:     E003 (Qualification name) is blank

00401:     E004 (Approval status) is not a valid code

00402:     E004 (Appr. status) code "A" not OK with E005 (Qual. type) "ZZ"

00501:     E005 (Qualification type) is not a valid code

00502:     E005 is not research type, but E034 (Course level) is research

00503:     E005 (Qualification type) must be 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 if E084 (Legacy indicator) = "Y"

00504:     E005 (Qualification type) is 47 but E034 (Course level code) not 01, 02, 03, 04 or 05 or E084 (Legacy indicator) not "Y"

00505:     E005 (Qualification type) is 04 but E034 (Course level code) not 01, 02, 03 or 04

00601:     E006 (Major field CESM) not a valid code

00602:     E006 (Major field CESM) is "ZZZZ" but E005 (Qual. type) not "ZZ"

00701:     E007 (Student number) is blank

00702:     E007 (Stud. num.) not found in Student File; not all E051 = E

00703:     E007 (Stud. num.) + E001 (Qual. code) not found in Course Reg. Table and E025 = F or W

00704:     E007 (Stud. num.) + E001 (Qual. code) duplicated in another record

00705:     Data for other records with same E007 (Stud. num.) inconsistent

00706:     E007 (Stud. num.) + E001 (Qual. code) not in CREG but E025 <> F

00707:     E007 (Stud. num.) not found in Student table; all E051 records = E

00801:     E008 (South African identity number) is blank

00802:     E008 (SA ident. number) "Z…" inconsistent with E049 (Cit.-res)

00803:    E008 (SA ident. number) does not contain numbers

00804:    E008 (SA ident. number) length <> 13

00805:    E008 (SA ident. number) not a valid date

00806:    E008 (SA ident. number) 7th to 10th digit contains 0000

00807:    E008 (SA ident. number) not equal to birthdate

00808:    E008 (SA ident. number) not equal to E012

00809:    E008 (SA ident. number) linked to more than one E007 (Student number)

00810:    E008 (SA ident. number) + E001 (Qualification code) duplicated in another record

00901:     E009 (Qual. commence. date) is not a valid yyyymmdd date

00902:     E009 (Qual. commence. date) is later than 15 September

00903:     E009 (Qual. commence. date) is later than 31 December

00904:     E009 (Qualification commencement date) over 40 years ago

00905:     E009 (Qual. commence. date) between 25 and 40 years ago

01001:     E010 (Entrance category) is not a valid code

01002:     E010 (Entr. cat.) code is "F" or "T" but student-qual is in prior year's STUD file

01003:     E010 (Entr. cat.) code is "N" but student-qual is NOT in prior year's STUD file

01004:     E010 (Entr. cat.) code is "F" but E021 (Sec. ed.) indicates prior higher ed

01101:     E011 (Date of birth) is not a valid yyyymmdd date

01102:     E011 (Date of birth) indicates a person aged less than 12

01103:     E011 (Date of birth) indicates a person aged between 13 and 17

01104:     E011 (Date of birth) indicates a person older than 90

01105:     E011 (Date of birth) indicates a person aged between 75 and 90

01106:     E011 (Date of birth) indicates a person aged less than 16

01107:     E011 (Date of birth) indicates a person aged between 16 and 20

01108:     E011 (Date of birth) indicates a person aged between 80 and 90

01201:     E012 (Gender) is not a valid code

01301:     E013 (Race) is not a valid code

01401:     E014 (Nationality) is not a valid code

01402:     E014 (Nationality) code "SAF" but E049 (Citiz-res) is not "SA"

01501:     E015 (Home postcode) is not a valid code

01502:     E015 (Home postcode) "ZZZZ" but E049 (Cit.Res) is SA or PR

01503:     E015 (Home postcode) XXXX or YYYY where E024 (Att mode) is “C” and E049 (Cit.Res) of "SA" or “PR”.

01601:     E016 (Disability status) is not a valid code

01701:     E017 (Socio-economic status) is not a valid code

01801:     E018 (Funding status) is not a valid code

01901:     E019 (NSFAS status) is not a valid code

02001:     The value of E020 (Institutional housing) is > 1 or < 0

02101:     E021 (Previous year's activity) is not a valid code

02102:     E021 (Prev. year's activity) is ZZ, but E010 (Entr. cat) is F or T

02201:     E022 (Secondary ed. completed) is not a valid code

02202:     E022 (Sec. ed. compl.) is ZZ, but E010 (Entr. cat) or E005 (Qual type) is inappropriate

02301:     E023 (Matric. aggregate) is outside range of 0 to 2600

02302:     E023 (Matric. agg.) is zero or -ve, but E010 (Entr. cat) or E005 (Qual type) is inapproriate

02401:     E024 (Attendance mode) is not a valid code

02402:     E024 (Attendance mode) "C" inconsistent with course mode

02403:     E024 (Attendance mode) "D" inconsistent with course mode

02501:     E025 (Qualifications requirement status) is not a valid code

02502:     E025 (Qual. req. status) code "F" also occurred in prior year's file

02503:     E025 (Qual. req. status) may not be "F" or "W" in the first submission

02601:     E026 (CESM for 1st area of spec.) is not a valid code

02602:     E026 (CESM for 1st area of spec.) is "ZZZZ"

02701:     E027 (CESM for 2nd area of spec.) is not a valid code

02702:     E027 (CESM for 2nd area of spec.) is same as another area of spec

02801:     E028 (CESM for 3rd area of spec.) is not a valid code

02802:     E028 (CESM for 3rd area of spec.) is same as another area of spec

02901:     E029 (CESM for 4th area of spec.) is not a valid code

02902:     E029 (CESM cat. for 4th area of spec.) is same as another area of spec

03001:     E030 (Course code) is blank

03002:     E030 (Course code) duplicated in another record

03003:     E030 (Course code) not found in Course Table

03101:     E031 (Course approval status) is not a valid code

03201:     E032 (Course completion status) not a valid code

03301:     E033 (Course CESM) is not a valid code

03302:     E033 (Course CESM) is "ZZZZ"

03401:     E034 (Course level code) is not a valid code

03402:     E034 (Course level code) must equal element 092 (NQF Level)

03601:     E036 (Course credit value) is -ve or greater than 1.

03602:     E036 (Course credit value) sum, excl. Exam-only courses is > 2.0

03603:     E036 (Course credit value) sum, excl. Exam-only & Repeats is > 1.5

03604:     E036 (Course credit value) sum, excl. Exam-only & Repeats is 1.2 to 1.5

03605:     E036 (Course credit value) is zero.

03701:     E037 (Staff number) is blank

03702:     E037 (Staff num.) + E039 (Pers. cat.) not in Staff FTE Table

03703:     E037 (Staff num.) + E039 (Pers. cat.) not in Staff Profile Table

03704:     E037 (Staff num.) + E039 (Pers. cat.) duplicated in another record

03705:     E037 (Staff num.) in other records but profile differs

03706:     E037 + E039 + E044 + 045 is duplicated in another record.

03801:     E038 (Employ. comm. year) not a valid year in yyyy format

03802:     E038 (Employ. comm. yr) later than the last day of the collection year

03803:     E038 (Employ. comm. year) more than 65 years ago

03804:     E038 (Employ. comm. year) is 40 to 65 years ago

03805:     E038 (Employ. comm. year) is before the person was aged 16

03901:     E039 (Personnel category) is not a valid code

04001:     E040 (Rank of staff member) is not a valid code

04002:     E040 (Rank of staff member) code "Z" not OK for E039 (Pers. cat.) of "01"

04101:     E041 (Permanent/ temporary status) is not a valid code

04201:     E042 (Full-time/part-time status) is not a valid code

04202:     E042 (FT/PT status) is PT but E043 (Staff FTE value) > 0.9

04301:     E043 (Staff FTE value) is zero or greater than 1

04302:     Sum of E043 (Staff FTE value)  for one person is > 1.5

04303:     Sum of E043 (Staff FTE value) for one person is  > 1.0 but not > 1.5

04401:     E044 (Staff programme) is not a valid code

04501:     E045 (Staff programme CESM) is not a valid code

04502:     E045 (Staff prog.CESM) of ZZZZ not OK for E044 (Staff prog.) 010 or 020

04601:     E046 (Qualification type) is not a valid code

04602:     E046 (Qual. type) "ZZ" not OK for E039 (Pers. cat.) of "01"

04603:     E046 (Qualification type) is not a valid code

04604:     E046 (Qual. type) "ZZ" not OK for E039 (Pers. cat.) of "01"

04701:     E047 (Joint appointment) is not a valid code

04801:     E048 (On payroll code) is not a valid code

04901:     E049 (Citiz-resident status) is not a valid code

04902:     E049 (Citiz-resident status) is "SA" but E014 (National.) code not "SAF"

05001:     E050 (Completed resh. crse. credit) is greater than 2

05002:     E050 (Completed resh. crse. credit) value missing

05101:     E051 (Examination-only) is not a valid code

05201:     E052 (Home language) is not a valid code

05301:     E053 (Minimum time - total) outside valid range

05401:     E054 (Minimum time - exper.) is greater than 3.0

05501:     E055 (Address line 1) blank but E049 (Cit-res) coded "SA" or "PR"

05601:     E056 (Address line 2) blank but E049 (Cit-res) coded "SA" or "PR"

05801:     E058 (Course name) is blank

05901:     E059 (Contact-only availability) is not a valid code

06001:     E060 (Distance-only availability) is not a valid code

06101:     E061 (Mixed availability) is not a valid code

06201:     E062 (Experiential training indicator)  is not a valid code

06401:     E064 (Attendance mode course) not a valid code

06402:     E064 (Attendance mode course) "C" inconsistent with course mode

06403:     E064 (Attendance mode course) "D" inconsistent with course mode

06601:     E066 (Student last name) is blank

06701:     E067 (Student first name) is blank

06901:     E069 (Postal address line 1) blank but E049 (Cit-res) coded “SA” or “PR”

07001:     E070 (Postal address line 2) blank but E049 (Cit-res) coded “SA” or “PR”

07201:     E072 (Postal address postcode) is not a valid code

07202:     E072 (Postal address postcode) "ZZZZ" but E049 (Cit.Res) is SA or PR

07203:     E072 (Postal address postcode) XXXX or YYYY where E024 (Att mode) is “C” and E049 (Cit.Res) of "SA" or “PR”.

07301:     E073 (% Research time for Masters Qualification) has invalid value.

07401:    E074 (Centre number) not a valid code

07501:    E075 (Centre name) not a valid code

07502:    E075 (Centre name) is blank

07601:    E076 (Examination number) is blank

07701:    E077 (Examination centre) not a valid code

07801:    E078 (Professional Development) not a valid code

07802:    E078 (Professional Development) is blank

07901:    E079 (Part-time/Full-time student) not a valid code

08001:    E080 (Activity in current year) not a valid code

08101:    E081 (Institution Programme Name) is blank

08201:    E082 (Qualifier) is blank

08301:    E083 (Abbrevation) is blank

08401:    E084 (Legacy indicator) not a valid code

08501:    E085 (NQF exit level) is blank

08901:    E089 (Mode of delivery) not a valid code

09001:    E090 (Total subsidy units) outside valid range

09101:    E091 (Foundation course) not a valid code

09201:    E092 (NQF level) is not a valid code

09202:    E092 (NQF level) is blank

09401:    E094 (Post Doctoral/Research Fellow) not a valid code

09501:    E095 (Post Doctoral Research Fellow number) is blank

09502:    E095 (Post Doctoral Research Fellow number) duplicated in another record

09601:    E096 (Name of doctoral qualification obtained) is blank

09701:    E097 (Date when doctoral qualification obtained) is not a valid yyyymmdd date

09801:    E098 (Research field CESM) is not a valid code

09802:    E098 (Research field CESM) is “ZZZZZZ”

09901:    E099 (Start date of contract) is not a valid yyyymmdd date

10001:    E100 (Institution where doctoral qualification obtained) is blank

10101:    E101 (Funding source 1) is not a valid code

10201:    E102 (Funding source 2) is not a valid code

10301:    E103 (Funding source 3) is not a valid code

10401:    E104 (Funding source 4) is not a valid code

10501:    E105 (Post Doctoral Research Fellow) is not a valid code

10601:    E106 (Foundation student) is not a valid code

20101:     E201 (campus code) is blank

20102:     E201 (campus code) + E204 (campus province code) duplicated in another record

20103:     E201 (campus code) + E205 (building code) duplicated in another record

20104:     E201 (campus code) + E205 (building code) + E214 (room code) + E215 (room proration key) duplicated in another record

20105:     E201 (campus code) not found in CAMP table

20201:     E202 (Campus name) is blank

20301:     E203 (campus postcode) is not a valid code

20401:     E204 (campus province code) is not a valid code

20501:    E205 (building code) is blank

20502:    E205 (building code) not found in BLDG table

20601:    E206 (building name) is blank

20701:    E207 (ownership code) is not a valid code

20801:   E208 (year of construction) is not a valid year in yyyy format

20901:    E209 (building condition) is not a valid code

21001:     E210 (inventory value) is less than 0000000001

21101:    E211 (total assignable square metres) is less than 000001

21201:    E212 (total gross square metres) is less than 000001

21301:    E213 (standard cost units) must not be less than 0000000001

21401:    E214 (room number) is blank

21501:    E215 (room proration key) is less than 111

21601:    E216 (space use category) is not a valid code

21701:    E217 (square metres) is less than 0000000.001

21702:   E217 (square metres) is greater than 999999.999

21801:   E218 (number of stations) is greater than 999999.999

21901:   E219 (PCS code) is not a valid code

22001:   E220 (CESM code) is not a valid code

22002:   E220 (CESM code) must be ZZZZ where PCS code is not 010 or 020

22003:   E220 (CESM code) must end with 00 for submission year 2008

22101:   E221 (longitude degrees) is blank

22102:   E221 (longitude degrees) is less than -35 or greater than -22

22103:   E221 (longitude degrees) must start with a minus symbol

22201:   E222 (longitude minutes) is blank

22202:   E222 (longitude minutes) is greater than 59

22301:   E223 (longitude seconds) is blank

22302:   E223 (longitude seconds) is greater than 59.999

22401:   E224 (longitude degrees) is blank

22402:   E224 (longitude degrees) is less than 16 or greater than 33

22501:   E225 (longitude minutes) is blank

22502:   E225 (longitude minutes) is greater than 59

22601:   E226 (longitude seconds) is blank

22602:   E226 (longitude seconds) is greater than 59.999