50 708 Undergraduate (82%) Postgraduate (18%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
41 628 Returning (68%) First-time (23%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
83% Undergraduate 86% First-year UG 85% Module success rate
13 724 Undergraduate (77%) Postgraduate (23%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
51% 55%
49% 45%
86% 3% 4% 7% Black Coloured Indian White
INTERNATIONAL students 3 622 7%
29% UG Diploma/Certificate
2% UG Advanced Diploma
70% UG Degrees
42% PG below Master’s
43% Master’s
15% Doctoral
41 628TOTAL9 080
undergraduate SATISFACTION 87%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 83%
Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings - THE WUR
Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings - QS WUR
Academic Ranking of World Universities (Shanghai Ranking) - ARWU
Center for World University Rankings - CWUR
Best Global Universities Rankings - BGUR
University Ranking by Academic Performance - URAP
RESEARCH indicators 2018 NOTE ★ 2016 data Academic staff with doctorates 635 50% NRF-rated academics 189 15% Publication units 1 559 Publications per capita 2,04
50 520 Undergraduate (82%) Postgraduate (18%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
41 235 Returning (67%) First-time (24%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
83% Undergraduate 86% First-year UG 86% Module success rate
14 099 Undergraduate (76%) Postgraduate (24%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
51% 57%
49% 43%
87% 3% 4% 6% Black Coloured Indian White
INTERNATIONAL students 4 201 8%
25% UG Diploma/Certificate
2% UG Advanced Diploma
73% UG Degrees
42% PG below Master’s
43% Master’s
15% Doctoral
41 235TOTAL9 285
undergraduate SATISFACTION 87%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 82%
Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings - THE WUR
Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings - QS WUR
Academic Ranking of World Universities (Shanghai Ranking) - ARWU
Center for World University Rankings - CWUR
Best Global Universities Rankings - BGUR
University Ranking by Academic Performance - URAP
RESEARCH indicators 2019 NOTE ★ 2017 data Academic staff with doctorates 666 50% NRF-rated academics 206 16% Publication units 1 757 Publications per capita 2,11
48 514 Undergraduate (80%) Postgraduate (20%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
38 645 Returning (68%) First-time (26%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
86% Undergraduate 89% First-year UG 87% Module success rate
13 027 Undergraduate (73%) Postgraduate (27%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
52% 55%
48% 45%
88% 3% 4% 6% Black Coloured Indian White
INTERNATIONAL students 4 197 9%
23% UG Diploma/Certificate
4% UG Advanced Diploma
73% UG Degrees
40% PG below Master’s
44% Master’s
16% Doctoral
38 645TOTAL9 869
undergraduate SATISFACTION 95%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 83%
Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings - THE WUR
Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings - QS WUR
Academic Ranking of World Universities (Shanghai Ranking) - ARWU
Center for World University Rankings - CWUR
Best Global Universities Rankings - BGUR
University Ranking by Academic Performance - URAP
RESEARCH indicators 2020 NOTE ★ 2018 data Academic staff with doctorates 707 54% NRF-rated academics 227 17% Publication units 1 647 Publications per capita 2,21
SUSTAINABLE development goals (SDGs)
SDGs particularly well covered in the current Strategic Plan ...

context and INFORMATION
  • Information and data supplied by the Division for Institutional Planning, Evaluation and Monitoring (DIPEM)
  • For more information please visit the DIPEM landing/home webpage HERE
  • The staff at DIPEM can be contacted from HERE
50 611 Undergraduate (79%) Postgraduate (22%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
39 748 Returning (66%) First-time (27%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
85% Undergraduate 88% First-year UG 88% Module success rate
12 998 Undergraduate (68%) Postgraduate (32%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
53% 56%
47% 44%
88% 3% 4% 5% Black Coloured Indian White
INTERNATIONAL students 4 231 8%
22% UG Diploma/Certificate
5% UG Advanced Diploma
73% UG Degrees
40% PG below Master’s
44% Master’s
16% Doctoral
39 748TOTAL10 863
undergraduate SATISFACTION 91%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 85%
Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings - THE WUR
Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings - QS WUR
Academic Ranking of World Universities (Shanghai Ranking) - ARWU
Center for World University Rankings - CWUR
Best Global Universities Rankings - BGUR
University Ranking by Academic Performance - URAP
RESEARCH indicators 2021 NOTE ★ 2019 data Academic staff with doctorates 731 56% NRF-rated academics 245 19% Publication units 2 330 Publications per capita 1,75
SUSTAINABLE development goals (SDGs)
SDGs particularly well covered in the current Strategic Plan ...

context and INFORMATION
  • Information and data supplied by the Division for Institutional Planning, Evaluation and Monitoring (DIPEM)
  • For more information please visit the DIPEM landing/home webpage HERE
  • The staff at DIPEM can be contacted from HERE
51 424 Undergraduate (78%) Postgraduate (22%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
40 007 Returning (68%) First-time (26%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
82% Undergraduate 85% First-year UG 85% Module success rate
12 128 Undergraduate (67%) Postgraduate (33%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
54% 56%
46% 44%
89% 3% 3% 5% Black Coloured Indian White
INTERNATIONAL students 4 283 8%
22% UG Diploma/Certificate
5% UG Advanced Diploma
73% UG Degrees
38% PG below Master’s
45% Master’s
17% Doctoral
40 007TOTAL11 417
undergraduate SATISFACTION 91%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 87%
Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings - THE WUR
Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings - QS WUR
Academic Ranking of World Universities (Shanghai Ranking) - ARWU
Center for World University Rankings - CWUR
Best Global Universities Rankings - BGUR
University Ranking by Academic Performance - URAP
RESEARCH indicators 2022 NOTE ★ 2020 data Academic staff with doctorates 758 57% NRF-rated academics 270 21% Publication units 2 306 Publications per capita 1,74
SUSTAINABLE development goals (SDGs)
SDGs particularly well covered in the current Strategic Plan ...

context and INFORMATION
  • Information and data supplied by the Division for Institutional Planning, Evaluation and Monitoring (DIPEM)
  • For more information please visit the DIPEM landing/home webpage HERE
  • The staff at DIPEM can be contacted from HERE
NOTE: JBS included from 2021 onwards

2018 College of Business and Economics
CBE 38% of Total Headcount
19 077 Undergraduate (85%) Postgraduate (15%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
16 149 Returning (71%) First-time (23%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
82% Undergraduate 85% First-year UG 86% Module success rate
5 387 Undergraduate (75%) Postgraduate (25%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
51% 54%
49% 46%
87% 3% 4% 5% Black Coloured Indian White
37% UG Diploma/Certificate
2% UG Advanced Diploma
60% UG Degree
68% PG below Master’s
25% Master’s
7% Doctoral
16 149TOTAL2 928
undergraduate SATISFACTION 89%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 83%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2016 data Academic staff with doctorates 115 34% NRF-rated academics 15 4% Publication units 278 Publications per capita 0.87
2019 College of Business and Economics
CBE 36% of Total Headcount
18 170 Undergraduate (84%) Postgraduate (16%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
15 316 Returning (69%) First-time (25%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
83% Undergraduate 85% First-year UG 88% Module success rate
5 361 Undergraduate (74%) Postgraduate (26%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
51% 56%
49% 44%
88% 3% 4% 4% Black Coloured Indian White
37% UG Diploma/Certificate
3% UG Advanced Diploma
60% UG Degree
66% PG below Master’s
26% Master’s
8% Doctoral
15 316TOTAL2 856
undergraduate SATISFACTION 90%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 85%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2017 data Academic staff with doctorates 124 34% NRF-rated academics 14 4% Publication units 270 Publications per capita 0.81
2020 College of Business and Economics
CBE 36% of Total Headcount
17 645 Undergraduate (84%) Postgraduate (16%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
14 812 Returning (66%) First-time (26%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
87% Undergraduate 90% First-year UG 88% Module success rate
5 594 Undergraduate (75%) Postgraduate (25%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
52% 55%
48% 45%
89% 3% 4% 4% Black Coloured Indian White
35% UG Diploma/Certificate
6% UG Advanced Diploma
59% UG Degree
64% PG below Master’s
27% Master’s
9% Doctoral
14 812TOTAL2 835
undergraduate SATISFACTION 96%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 81%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2018 data Academic staff with doctorates 123 42% NRF-rated academics 23 7% Publication units 259 Publications per capita 0.79
2021 College of Business and Economics
CBE 36% of Total Headcount
18 144 Undergraduate (83%) Postgraduate (17%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
15 062 Returning (64%) First-time (27%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
85% Undergraduate 88% First-year UG 90% Module success rate
5 141 Undergraduate (73%) Postgraduate (27%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
53% 57%
47% 43%
90% 3% 4% 3% Black Coloured Indian White
34% UG Diploma/Certificate
7% UG Advanced Diploma
59% UG Degree
63% PG below Master’s
27% Master’s
10% Doctoral
15 062TOTAL3 082
undergraduate SATISFACTION 92%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 86%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2019 data Academic staff with doctorates 149 42% NRF-rated academics 28 8% Publication units 421 Publications per capita 1.24
2022 College of Business and Economics
CBE 36% of Total Headcount
18 229 Undergraduate (83%) Postgraduate (17%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
15 138 Returning (66%) First-time (27%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
81% Undergraduate 84% First-year UG 87% Module success rate
4 547 Undergraduate (70%) Postgraduate (30%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
55% 58%
45% 42%
91% 2% 4% 3% Black Coloured Indian White
34% UG Diploma/Certificate
6% UG Advanced Diploma
60% UG Degree
62% PG below Master’s
28% Master’s
10% Doctoral
15 138TOTAL3 091
undergraduate SATISFACTION 92%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 87%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2020 data Academic staff with doctorates 152 42% NRF-rated academics 36 10% Publication units 436 Publications per capita 1.21
2018 Faculty of Education
EDU 8% of Total Headcount
4 052 Undergraduate (77%) Postgraduate (23%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
3 116 Returning (70%) First-time (21%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
90% Undergraduate 92% First-year UG 88% Module success rate
999 Undergraduate (79%) Postgraduate (21%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
68% 64%
32% 36%
83% 5% 4% 8% Black Coloured Indian White
UG Diploma/Certificate
9% UG Advanced Diploma
91% UG Degree
34% PG below Master’s
51% Master’s
15% Doctoral
3 116TOTAL935
undergraduate SATISFACTION 81%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 86%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2016 data Academic staff with doctorates 56 68% NRF-rated academics 15 18% Publication units 84 Publications per capita 1.12
2019 Faculty of Education
EDU 8% of Total Headcount
4 044 Undergraduate (76%) Postgraduate (24%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
3 070 Returning (70%) First-time (22%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
90% Undergraduate 93% First-year UG 91% Module success rate
1 060 Undergraduate (73%) Postgraduate (27%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
72% 67%
29% 33%
83% 5% 4% 8% Black Coloured Indian White
UG Diploma/Certificate
9% UG Advanced Diploma
92% UG Degree
36% PG below Master’s
50% Master’s
14% Doctoral
3 070TOTAL976
undergraduate SATISFACTION 85%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 81%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2017 data Academic staff with doctorates 56 66% NRF-rated academics 19 22% Publication units 104 Publications per capita 1.30
2020 Faculty of Education
EDU 9% of Total Headcount
4 298 Undergraduate (72%) Postgraduate (28%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
3 096 Returning (68%) First-time (21%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
91% Undergraduate 93% First-year UG 89% Module success rate
1 160 Undergraduate (73%) Postgraduate (27%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
75% 67%
25% 33%
83% 5% 4% 8% Black Coloured Indian White
UG Diploma/Certificate
12% UG Advanced Diploma
88% UG Degree
38% PG below Master’s
50% Master’s
12% Doctoral
3 096TOTAL1 199
undergraduate SATISFACTION 94%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 81%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2018 data Academic staff with doctorates 59 66% NRF-rated academics 22 24% Publication units 94 Publications per capita 1.10
2021 Faculty of Education
EDU 9% of Total Headcount
4 609 Undergraduate (70%) Postgraduate (30%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
3 229 Returning (63%) First-time (22%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
90% Undergraduate 92% First-year UG 89% Module success rate
1 249 Undergraduate (65%) Postgraduate (36%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
74% 68%
26% 32%
82% 5% 4% 8% Black Coloured Indian White
7% UG Diploma/Certificate
9% UG Advanced Diploma
84% UG Degree
46% PG below Master’s
43% Master’s
11% Doctoral
3 229TOTAL1 380
undergraduate SATISFACTION 90%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 83%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2019 data Academic staff with doctorates 58 66% NRF-rated academics 25 28% Publication units 138 Publications per capita 1.59
2022 Faculty of Education
EDU 9% of Total Headcount
4 641 Undergraduate (72%) Postgraduate (28%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
3 321 Returning (65%) First-time (20%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
91% Undergraduate 93% First-year UG 91% Module success rate
1 354 Undergraduate (70%) Postgraduate (30%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
73% 66%
27% 34%
81% 5% 4% 7% Black Coloured Indian White
8% UG Diploma/Certificate
13% UG Advanced Diploma
79% UG Degree
43% PG below Master’s
43% Master’s
14% Doctoral
3 321TOTAL1 320
undergraduate SATISFACTION 90%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 84%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2020 data Academic staff with doctorates 58 64% NRF-rated academics 25 28% Publication units 192 Publications per capita 2.16
2018 Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
FADA 3% of Total Headcount
1 356 Undergraduate (85%) Postgraduate (15%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
1 157 Returning (61%) First-time (26%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
89% Undergraduate 89% First-year UG 87% Module success rate
426 Undergraduate (82%) Postgraduate (18%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
50% 55%
50% 45%
59% 7% 9% 26% Black Coloured Indian White
31% UG Diploma/Certificate
0% UG Advanced Diploma
69% UG Degree
15% PG below Master’s
79% Master’s
6% Doctoral
1 157TOTAL199
undergraduate SATISFACTION 84%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 80%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2016 data Academic staff with doctorates 15 25% NRF-rated academics 9 15% Publication units 32 Publications per capita 0.59
2019 Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
FADA 3% of Total Headcount
1 404 Undergraduate (83%) Postgraduate (18%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
1 159 Returning (60%) First-time (28%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
86% Undergraduate 87% First-year UG 84% Module success rate
478 Undergraduate (67%) Postgraduate (33%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
51% 60%
49% 40%
61% 6% 9% 24% Black Coloured Indian White
24% UG Diploma/Certificate
0% UG Advanced Diploma
76% UG Degree
46% PG below Master’s
47% Master’s
7% Doctoral
1 159TOTAL245
undergraduate SATISFACTION 81%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 84%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2017 data Academic staff with doctorates 20 30% NRF-rated academics 8 13% Publication units 68 Publications per capita 1.19
2020 Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
FADA 3% of Total Headcount
1 317 Undergraduate (81%) Postgraduate (19%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
1 069 Returning (67%) First-time (31%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
86% Undergraduate 87% First-year UG 84% Module success rate
406 Undergraduate (62%) Postgraduate (38%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
50% 61%
50% 39%
62% 6% 8% 24% Black Coloured Indian White
21% UG Diploma/Certificate
0% UG Advanced Diploma
79% UG Degree
49% PG below Master’s
44% Master’s
8% Doctoral
1 069TOTAL248
undergraduate SATISFACTION 90%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 84%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2018 data Academic staff with doctorates 17 28% NRF-rated academics 7 12% Publication units 19 Publications per capita 0.32
2021 Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
FADA 3% of Total Headcount
1 389 Undergraduate (81%) Postgraduate (20%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
1 118 Returning (64%) First-time (30%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
86% Undergraduate 85% First-year UG 81% Module success rate
503 Undergraduate (63%) Postgraduate (37%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
52% 69%
48% 31%
63% 6% 8% 23% Black Coloured Indian White
20% UG Diploma/Certificate
4% UG Advanced Diploma
77% UG Degree
51% PG below Master’s
42% Master’s
7% Doctoral
1 118TOTAL271
undergraduate SATISFACTION 88%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 81%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2019 data Academic staff with doctorates 21 36% NRF-rated academics 8 14% Publication units 24 Publications per capita 0.38
2022 Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
FADA 3% of Total Headcount
1 399 Undergraduate (79%) Postgraduate (21%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
1 112 Returning (61%) First-time (32%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
86% Undergraduate 86% First-year UG 86% Module success rate
452 Undergraduate (57%) Postgraduate (43%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
51% 64%
49% 36%
65% 6% 7% 21% Black Coloured Indian White
19% UG Diploma/Certificate
5% UG Advanced Diploma
76% UG Degree
51% PG below Master’s
39% Master’s
10% Doctoral
1 112TOTAL287
undergraduate SATISFACTION 82%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 88%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2020 data Academic staff with doctorates 21 34% NRF-rated academics 7 12% Publication units 65 Publications per capita 1.07
2018 Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
FEBE 19% of Total Headcount
9 836 Undergraduate (85%) Postgraduate (15%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
8 353 Returning (57%) First-time (19%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
77% Undergraduate 84% First-year UG 86% Module success rate
2 799 Undergraduate (92%) Postgraduate (9%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
31% 27%
69% 73%
94% 1% 2% 3% Black Coloured Indian White
39% UG Diploma/Certificate
0% UG Advanced Diploma
62% UG Degree
0% PG below Master’s
72% Master’s
28% Doctoral
8 353TOTAL1 482
undergraduate SATISFACTION 88%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 83%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2016 data Academic staff with doctorates 99 53% NRF-rated academics 30 16% Publication units 341 Publications per capita 1.88
2019 Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
FEBE 20% of Total Headcount
10 179 Undergraduate (84%) Postgraduate (16%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
8 577 Returning (61%) First-time (20%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
79% Undergraduate 84% First-year UG 85% Module success rate
2 890 Undergraduate (91%) Postgraduate (9%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
31% 30%
69% 71%
94% 1% 2% 3% Black Coloured Indian White
26% UG Diploma/Certificate
0% UG Advanced Diploma
74% UG Degree
0% PG below Master’s
74% Master’s
26% Doctoral
8 577TOTAL1 598
undergraduate SATISFACTION 86%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 82%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2017 data Academic staff with doctorates 94 50% NRF-rated academics 38 20% Publication units 436 Publications per capita 2.32
2020 Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
FEBE 18% of Total Headcount
8 929 Undergraduate (77%) Postgraduate (23%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
6 896 Returning (72%) First-time (23%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
80% Undergraduate 86% First-year UG 83% Module success rate
1 988 Undergraduate (77%) Postgraduate (23%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
31% 31%
69% 69%
94% 1% 2% 3% Black Coloured Indian White
21% UG Diploma/Certificate
3% UG Advanced Diploma
76% UG Degree
14% PG below Master’s
63% Master’s
24% Doctoral
6 896TOTAL2 038
undergraduate SATISFACTION 95%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 84%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2018 data Academic staff with doctorates 101 54% NRF-rated academics 41 22% Publication units 459 Publications per capita 2.47
2021 Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
FEBE 18% of Total Headcount
9 059 Undergraduate (76%) Postgraduate (24%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
6 875 Returning (69%) First-time (24%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
79% Undergraduate 85% First-year UG 83% Module success rate
1 948 Undergraduate (68%) Postgraduate (32%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
31% 33%
69% 67%
94% 1% 2% 2% Black Coloured Indian White
18% UG Diploma/Certificate
4% UG Advanced Diploma
78% UG Degree
23% PG below Master’s
54% Master’s
23% Doctoral
6 875TOTAL2 184
undergraduate SATISFACTION 92%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 84%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2019 data Academic staff with doctorates 110 59% NRF-rated academics 46 25% Publication units 632 Publications per capita 3.34
2022 Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
FEBE 18% of Total Headcount
9 263 Undergraduate (74%) Postgraduate (26%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
6 900 Returning (69%) First-time (25%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
77% Undergraduate 81% First-year UG 82% Module success rate
1 930 Undergraduate (63%) Postgraduate (37%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
31% 35%
69% 65%
95% 1% 2% 2% Black Coloured Indian White
16% UG Diploma/Certificate
4% UG Advanced Diploma
80% UG Degree
24% PG below Master’s
52% Master’s
24% Doctoral
6 900TOTAL2 363
undergraduate SATISFACTION 91%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 84%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2020 data Academic staff with doctorates 115 61% NRF-rated academics 51 28% Publication units 501 Publications per capita 2.66
2018 Faculty of Health Sciences
HSC 8% of Total Headcount
4 180 Undergraduate (69%) Postgraduate (31%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
2 881 Returning (63%) First-time (25%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
88% Undergraduate 90% First-year UG 85% Module success rate
1 089 Undergraduate (66%) Postgraduate (34%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
62% 79%
38% 21%
74% 4% 7% 16% Black Coloured Indian White
31% UG Diploma/Certificate
0% UG Advanced Diploma
69% UG Degree
61% PG below Master’s
33% Master’s
6% Doctoral
2 881TOTAL1 299
undergraduate SATISFACTION 84%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 84%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2016 data Academic staff with doctorates 37 31% NRF-rated academics 5 4% Publication units 67 Publications per capita 0.61
2019 Faculty of Health Sciences
HSC 9% of Total Headcount
4 459 Undergraduate (68%) Postgraduate (32%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
3 030 Returning (63%) First-time (23%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
91% Undergraduate 92% First-year UG 90% Module success rate
1 194 Undergraduate (66%) Postgraduate (34%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
63% 79%
37% 21%
75% 4% 6% 14% Black Coloured Indian White
27% UG Diploma/Certificate
0% UG Advanced Diploma
73% UG Degree
59% PG below Master’s
36% Master’s
5% Doctoral
3 030TOTAL1 429
undergraduate SATISFACTION 79%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 75%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2017 data Academic staff with doctorates 40 32% NRF-rated academics 5 4% Publication units 60 Publications per capita 0.53
2020 Faculty of Health Sciences
HSC 9% of Total Headcount
4 133 Undergraduate (70%) Postgraduate (30%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
2 889 Returning (58%) First-time (25%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
93% Undergraduate 95% First-year UG 93% Module success rate
954 Undergraduate (64%) Postgraduate (36%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
61% 75%
39% 25%
77% 4% 6% 13% Black Coloured Indian White
19% UG Diploma/Certificate
0% UG Advanced Diploma
81% UG Degree
45% PG below Master’s
48% Master’s
7% Doctoral
2 889TOTAL1 244
undergraduate SATISFACTION 94%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 82%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2018 data Academic staff with doctorates 40 33% NRF-rated academics 5 4% Publication units 52 Publications per capita 0.43
2021 Faculty of Health Sciences
HSC 8% of Total Headcount
4 233 Undergraduate (71%) Postgraduate (29%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
3 009 Returning (69%) First-time (26%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
93% Undergraduate 93% First-year UG 87% Module success rate
1 073 Undergraduate (62%) Postgraduate (38%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
61% 71%
39% 29%
77% 3% 7% 13% Black Coloured Indian White
21% UG Diploma/Certificate
UG Advanced Diploma
79% UG Degree
33% PG below Master’s
60% Master’s
7% Doctoral
3 009TOTAL1 224
undergraduate SATISFACTION 86%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 82%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2019 data Academic staff with doctorates 41 33% NRF-rated academics 8 7% Publication units 82 Publications per capita 0.66
2022 Faculty of Health Sciences
HSC 8% of Total Headcount
4 197 Undergraduate (72%) Postgraduate (28%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
3 020 Returning (68%) First-time (26%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
92% Undergraduate 90% First-year UG 86% Module success rate
929 Undergraduate (67%) Postgraduate (33%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
62% 69%
38% 31%
77% 3% 6% 13% Black Coloured Indian White
20% UG Diploma/Certificate
% UG Advanced Diploma
80% UG Degree
24% PG below Master’s
67% Master’s
9% Doctoral
3 020TOTAL1 177
undergraduate SATISFACTION 88%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 87%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2020 data Academic staff with doctorates 49 40% NRF-rated academics 9 7% Publication units 116 Publications per capita 0.94
2018 Faculty of Humanities
HUM 12% of Total Headcount
6 108 Undergraduate (83%) Postgraduate (17%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
5 073 Returning (73%) First-time (26%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
84% Undergraduate 88% First-year UG 86% Module success rate
1 679 Undergraduate (73%) Postgraduate (28%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
69% 66%
31% 34%
88% 4% 2% 5% Black Coloured Indian White
13% UG Diploma/Certificate
0% UG Advanced Diploma
87% UG Degree
39% PG below Master’s
39% Master’s
22% Doctoral
5 073TOTAL1 037
undergraduate SATISFACTION 87%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 83%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2016 data Academic staff with doctorates 132 68% NRF-rated academics 39 20% Publication units 315 Publications per capita 1.93
2019 Faculty of Humanities
HUM 12% of Total Headcount
5 829 Undergraduate (83%) Postgraduate (17%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
4 838 Returning (72%) First-time (28%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
85% Undergraduate 88% First-year UG 89% Module success rate
1 799 Undergraduate (72%) Postgraduate (28%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
70% 66%
30% 34%
90% 3% 2% 5% Black Coloured Indian White
13% UG Diploma/Certificate
0% UG Advanced Diploma
87% UG Degree
42% PG below Master’s
38% Master’s
21% Doctoral
4 838TOTAL991
undergraduate SATISFACTION 86%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 85%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2017 data Academic staff with doctorates 135 68% NRF-rated academics 42 22% Publication units 329 Publications per capita 1.83
2020 Faculty of Humanities
HUM 11% of Total Headcount
5 550 Undergraduate (82%) Postgraduate (18%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
4 527 Returning (69%) First-time (30%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
86% Undergraduate 89% First-year UG 86% Module success rate
1 619 Undergraduate (71%) Postgraduate (29%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
70% 69%
30% 31%
90% 3% 2% 5% Black Coloured Indian White
12% UG Diploma/Certificate
0% UG Advanced Diploma
88% UG Degree
38% PG below Master’s
38% Master’s
24% Doctoral
4 527TOTAL1 021
undergraduate SATISFACTION 94%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 88%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2018 data Academic staff with doctorates 143 74% NRF-rated academics 43 23% Publication units 356 Publications per capita 1.85
2021 Faculty of Humanities
HUM 12% of Total Headcount
5 869 Undergraduate (80%) Postgraduate (20%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
4 709 Returning (65%) First-time (32%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
86% Undergraduate 89% First-year UG 89% Module success rate
1 680 Undergraduate (68%) Postgraduate (32%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
73% 68%
27% 32%
90% 3% 2% 5% Black Coloured Indian White
12% UG Diploma/Certificate
2% UG Advanced Diploma
86% UG Degree
36% PG below Master’s
38% Master’s
26% Doctoral
4 709TOTAL1 160
undergraduate SATISFACTION 91%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 88%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2019 data Academic staff with doctorates 143 75% NRF-rated academics 42 22% Publication units 387 Publications per capita 1.97
2022 Faculty of Humanities
HUM 12% of Total Headcount
5 991 Undergraduate (79%) Postgraduate (21%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
4 728 Returning (67%) First-time (31%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
86% Undergraduate 89% First-year UG 89% Module success rate
1 549 Undergraduate (68%) Postgraduate (32%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
73% 69%
27% 31%
90% 3% 2% 5% Black Coloured Indian White
13% UG Diploma/Certificate
2% UG Advanced Diploma
85% UG Degree
33% PG below Master’s
39% Master’s
28% Doctoral
4 728TOTAL1 263
undergraduate SATISFACTION 90%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 89%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2020 data Academic staff with doctorates 148 75% NRF-rated academics 51 27% Publication units 426 Publications per capita 2.16
2021 Johannesburg Business School
JBS 1% of Total Headcount
343 Undergraduate (0%) Postgraduate (100%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
0 Returning (0%) First-time (0%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
91% Undergraduate 0% First-year UG 0% Module success rate
94 Undergraduate (0%) Postgraduate (100%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
81% 5% 6% 7% Black Coloured Indian White
UG Diploma/Certificate
UG Advanced Diploma
UG Degree
18% PG below Master’s
82% Master’s
undergraduate SATISFACTION
postgraduate SATISFACTION
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2019 data Academic staff with doctorates 3 60% NRF-rated academics 0 Publication units Publications per capita
2022 Johannesburg Business School
JBS 1% of Total Headcount
659 Undergraduate (0%) Postgraduate (100%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
0 Returning (0%) First-time (0%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
74% Undergraduate 0% First-year UG 0% Module success rate
123 Undergraduate (0%) Postgraduate (100%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
% 49%
% 51%
82% 3% 5% 8% Black Coloured Indian White
% UG Diploma/Certificate
% UG Advanced Diploma
UG Degree
28% PG below Master’s
68% Master’s
5% Doctoral
undergraduate SATISFACTION
postgraduate SATISFACTION 93%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2020 data Academic staff with doctorates 6 67% NRF-rated academics 1 25% Publication units Publications per capita
2018 Faculty of Law
LAW 3% of Total Headcount
1 669 Undergraduate (85%) Postgraduate (15%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
1 415 Returning (69%) First-time (24%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
84% Undergraduate 85% First-year UG 89% Module success rate
374 Undergraduate (79%) Postgraduate (38%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
43% 52%
44% 48%
79% 5% 6% 10% Black Coloured Indian White
UG Diploma/Certificate
0% UG Advanced Diploma
100% UG Degree
PG below Master’s
85% Master’s
15% Doctoral
1 415TOTAL254
undergraduate SATISFACTION 85%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 80%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2016 data Academic staff with doctorates 28 52% NRF-rated academics 13 24% Publication units 81 Publications per capita 1.64
2019 Faculty of Law
LAW 4% of Total Headcount
1 745 Undergraduate (87%) Postgraduate (13%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
1 517 Returning (69%) First-time (28%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
86% Undergraduate 86% First-year UG 89% Module success rate
423 Undergraduate (79%) Postgraduate (39%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
43% 55%
45% 45%
83% 5% 5% 7% Black Coloured Indian White
UG Diploma/Certificate
0% UG Advanced Diploma
100% UG Degree
PG below Master’s
85% Master’s
15% Doctoral
1 517TOTAL226
undergraduate SATISFACTION 89%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 80%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2017 data Academic staff with doctorates 28 54% NRF-rated academics 13 26% Publication units 118 Publications per capita 2.23
2020 Faculty of Law
LAW 4% of Total Headcount
1 739 Undergraduate (88%) Postgraduate (12%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
1 534 Returning (70%) First-time (26%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
90% Undergraduate 90% First-year UG 88% Module success rate
391 Undergraduate (81%) Postgraduate (39%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
42% 61%
47% 40%
87% 4% 4% 5% Black Coloured Indian White
UG Diploma/Certificate
0% UG Advanced Diploma
100% UG Degree
PG below Master’s
84% Master’s
16% Doctoral
1 534TOTAL205
undergraduate SATISFACTION 94%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 79%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2018 data Academic staff with doctorates 30 57% NRF-rated academics 12 23% Publication units 74 Publications per capita 1.39
2021 Faculty of Law
LAW 4% of Total Headcount
1 867 Undergraduate (87%) Postgraduate (13%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
1 615 Returning (69%) First-time (28%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
88% Undergraduate 89% First-year UG 93% Module success rate
392 Undergraduate (80%) Postgraduate (20%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
56% 58%
44% 43%
90% 3% 3% 4% Black Coloured Indian White
UG Diploma/Certificate
UG Advanced Diploma
100% UG Degree
PG below Master’s
86% Master’s
14% Doctoral
1 615TOTAL252
undergraduate SATISFACTION 90%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 82%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2019 data Academic staff with doctorates 32 59% NRF-rated academics 11 20% Publication units 100 Publications per capita 1.96
2022 Faculty of Law
LAW 4% of Total Headcount
1 914 Undergraduate (86%) Postgraduate (14%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
1 655 Returning (71%) First-time (25%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
81% Undergraduate 82% First-year UG 89% Module success rate
343 Undergraduate (82%) Postgraduate (18%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
58% 56%
42% 44%
91% 3% 3% 3% Black Coloured Indian White
% UG Diploma/Certificate
% UG Advanced Diploma
100% UG Degree
PG below Master’s
87% Master’s
14% Doctoral
1 655TOTAL259
undergraduate SATISFACTION 92%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 85%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2020 data Academic staff with doctorates 29 57% NRF-rated academics 12 25% Publication units 100 Publications per capita 1.96
2018 Faculty of Science
SCI 9% of Total Headcount
4 425 Undergraduate (79%) Postgraduate (21%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
3 481 Returning (70%) First-time (28%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
79% Undergraduate 80% First-year UG 78% Module success rate
971 Undergraduate (62%) Postgraduate (21%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
56% 45%
57% 55%
87% 2% 4% 7% Black Coloured Indian White
24% UG Diploma/Certificate
0% UG Advanced Diploma
76% UG Degree
31% PG below Master’s
40% Master’s
28% Doctoral
3 481TOTAL946
undergraduate SATISFACTION 87%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 81%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2016 data Academic staff with doctorates 141 68% NRF-rated academics 63 30% Publication units 359 Publications per capita 1.94
2019 Faculty of Science
SCI 9% of Total Headcount
4 690 Undergraduate (80%) Postgraduate (21%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
3 731 Returning (68%) First-time (29%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
77% Undergraduate 80% First-year UG 79% Module success rate
894 Undergraduate (61%) Postgraduate (22%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
55% 49%
57% 51%
89% 2% 4% 6% Black Coloured Indian White
24% UG Diploma/Certificate
0% UG Advanced Diploma
76% UG Degree
31% PG below Master’s
39% Master’s
30% Doctoral
3 731TOTAL964
undergraduate SATISFACTION 86%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 82%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2017 data Academic staff with doctorates 158 71% NRF-rated academics 67 31% Publication units 371 Publications per capita 1.85
2020 Faculty of Science
SCI 10% of Total Headcount
4 846 Undergraduate (79%) Postgraduate (21%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
3 846 Returning (71%) First-time (26%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
83% Undergraduate 85% First-year UG 82% Module success rate
915 Undergraduate (61%) Postgraduate (19%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
53% 49%
58% 51%
89% 1% 4% 5% Black Coloured Indian White
25% UG Diploma/Certificate
1% UG Advanced Diploma
75% UG Degree
30% PG below Master’s
39% Master’s
30% Doctoral
3 846TOTAL999
undergraduate SATISFACTION 93%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 84%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2018 data Academic staff with doctorates 161 74% NRF-rated academics 74 35% Publication units 375 Publications per capita 1.83
2021 Faculty of Science
SCI 10% of Total Headcount
5 098 Undergraduate (81%) Postgraduate (19%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
4 131 Returning (71%) First-time (25%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
81% Undergraduate 81% First-year UG 83% Module success rate
918 Undergraduate (62%) Postgraduate (38%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
44% 51%
56% 49%
90% 2% 4% 5% Black Coloured Indian White
25% UG Diploma/Certificate
1% UG Advanced Diploma
74% UG Degree
30% PG below Master’s
40% Master’s
31% Doctoral
4 131TOTAL967
undergraduate SATISFACTION 90%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 87%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2019 data Academic staff with doctorates 165 76% NRF-rated academics 77 35% Publication units 427 Publications per capita 1.95
2022 Faculty of Science
SCI 10% of Total Headcount
5 131 Undergraduate (81%) Postgraduate (19%) Headcount (%) of total Headcount
4 133 Returning (74%) First-time (24%) Under- graduate (%) of total Undergraduate
76% Undergraduate 77% First-year UG 77% Module success rate
901 Undergraduate (61%) Postgraduate (39%) Graduate output (%) of total Graduates
45% 54%
55% 46%
91% 1% 4% 4% Black Coloured Indian White
26% UG Diploma/Certificate
1% UG Advanced Diploma
73% UG Degree
29% PG below Master’s
39% Master’s
32% Doctoral
4 133TOTAL998
undergraduate SATISFACTION 92%
postgraduate SATISFACTION 88%
RESEARCH indicators NOTE ★ 2020 data Academic staff with doctorates 165 76% NRF-rated academics 78 35% Publication units 454 Publications per capita 2.08